Health & Safety is part of the culture for Big Sky which includes the act of developing the intellectual and moral facilities with ongoing education, management support and follow up.

Big Sky has a responsibility to protect all workers and guests in its camps from personal injury and health hazards. We apply to all provincial health authorities for food permits to help ensure food is 100% safe.

All of our staff, supervisors and management are trained and meet or exceed the industry safety standards. We are constantly monitoring and improving on our safety values as a team from upper management to supervisiors to field staff. Daily hazard assessment, elimination & control and weekly safety meetings are held. All of our guests are given orientation to ensure they are aware of our safety procedures. Having a 24/7 open communication with staff, supervisors, management, guests, and clients help maintain a safe and comfortable working and living enviornment.


Big Sky is committed to maximizing environmental protection through the use of the four “R”s (*Reducing | *Recycling | *Re-using | *Recovering). Site clean-up requirements are actively reduced as a result of our activities such as ongoing equipment maintenance and correct disposal procedures during operation. All side-by-side camps are all-electric to ensure higher safety standards and reduce the carbon imprint to the environment.

At Big Sky we choose the Enform COR audit completed by a third party auditor approved by Enform to ensure we have the highest safety standards in the industry. We consistently receive a rebate from WCB for our outstanding saftey record.

Big Sky is ISNetWorld and ComplyWorks certified.